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A Brief Introduction to the College of Law
2016-01-20 16:06  


The Collegeof Lawwas formerly known as“theLaw Department”, which was established in 1986. The recruitment of undergraduates commenced in September of the same year. In 1998, the undergraduate program of International Economic Law was added. Currently, the School offers undergraduate, master and PHD programs.

The Collegehas an outstanding teaching faculty of 51 members, of which, 17 are full professors, 32 associate professors, 24 are granted with Ph.D degree (3 post doctors), 3 national experts,aNational Juristand4 provincial experts. Moreover, 90% of the facultyhasexcellent expertise and experiencedworkingpartially as lawyers, arbitrators, people’s jurors, and special inspectors. Further, the School has invited over 90 legal professionals as part-time lecturers since 2002.

The Collegeconsists of 4 departments: Integrative Jurisprudence Department, Criminal Law Department, Civil and Commercial Law Department and Economic Law Department; 6 research institutes: Ethnic Law Research Institute, Research Institute of Real Estate Law, Research Institute of International Economic Law, Research Institute of Rural Economic Law, Law of Trust Research Institute and Human Rights Law Research Institute; 4 provincial bases for teaching and academic research: Research Center of Law and Development of Ethnic Region, Training Center of Law and the Rule of Law in Ethnic Region, Innovative Base for Postgraduate Education of the Rule of Law in Ethnic Region and Training Base of Cultivating Ethnic Talents; 2 workstations: Workstation of Master of Trial and Workstation of Workstation of Master of Lawyer. Besides, basic facilities are provided for both research and teaching: Library, Moot Court, Stimulation of Arbitration Tribunal, Legal Clinic, and Criminal Investigation Laboratory, which is equipped with fingerprint scanners, fingerprint comparator, magnifier, copy camera and professional cameras for criminal photography. The library contains more than 30,000 books, over 400 discs and over 130 journals of both national and international level.


Contact: Dean: Qiang Song

               Tel: 86-851-83613269
