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The Delegation of Mr.Raymond Greene. General Consul of U.S. in Chengdu had a visit to Guizhou Minzu University
2015-09-04 15:11  

In the afternoon on August 31,2015. The delegation of Mr.Raymond Greene,General Consul of U.S. in Chengdu, had visited Guizhou Minzu University(GZMU). The President Zhang Xueli, and Vice-President Wanglin and Weiwei of Guizhou Minzu University had warmly welcomed and received the distinguished guests. The two parties had a meeting, discussed the exchange and cooperation between each other in the No.1 Meeting Room at GZMU. The meeting was hosted by Professor Weiwei, the Vice-President of Guizhou Minzu University.

President Zhang Xueli introduced our university(GZMU)'s academic exchange and cooperation with the universities abroad.

Mr.Raymond Greene made a speech.

Group Photo

After the meeting, the delegation had a visit to the Ethnic Cultural Exhibition Hall at GZMU with the President Zhang Xueli and Vice-President Weiwei.

The delegation showed a lively interest in the ethnic costumes and national documents.
