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The Opening Ceremony of the 2nd University Students’ “Micro-space”Construction Festival was Successfully held in Guizhou Minzu University
2017-04-21 12:51  

On April 21, The opening ceremony of the 2ndUniversity Students’“Micro-space”Construction Festival was Successfully held on the square of Yifu Library. It is organized by Guizhou Minzu University, and operated by the Architectural Engineering college.Wang Lin, the vice president, Chen Changlu, the dean of the college of Civil and Architectural Engineering of Guizhou University of Engineering Science, Wang Chenguang, the vice dean of Architectural Engineering college of Kaili University, and Lu Yunhui, the library director of Guizhou Minzu University attended the ceremony. The participating teachers and students from Guizhou University, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guizhou University of Engineering Science, Kaili University, and the Architectural Engineering college of Guizhou Minzu University attended the opening ceremony. It was hosted by Wang Lin, the vice dean of the Architectural Engineering college.

The site of opening ceremony

Wang Lin gave the opening speech. He warmly welcomed all the participating teachers and students from various universities, and introduced the basic situation of our university. After years, the university’s engineering discipline, through the relentless efforts, has made great development. This activity intensively displayed the ethnological comprehensive universities’ achievements in the aspect of engineering disciplines, and at the same time, it represented the capabilities of inter-cooperation and integrated application of disciplines among our university and other participating universities, it is also the engineering technology’s practical application on human lives. Furthermore, Wang Lin emphasized that the independent design is one of the university’s pedagogical practice activities in the area of high-quality practical talents’ cultivation, which focused on training students’ abilities of innovation and practicing. Last but not least, he hoped that all the participants could give the best account of themselves and display fine sportsmanship.

The Vice President Wang Lin gave the speech

Chen Changlu, Lu Yunhui and Wang Xiaolan issued construction certificates for the participating teams.

The guests issued construction certificates for the participating teams.

The students’ representative Wu Lang, who majored in Architecture gave the speech. She recognized this competition as a good practical platform, only deepen practice could students improve their understanding of the theoretical knowledge. During the team cooperation, the self-comprehensive quality could also be promoted. All the participating members were expected to strictly obey the competition rules, to give full play of creative and cooperative abilities and complete the competition with rich enthusiasm and rigorous attitudes.

The students’ representative gave the speech

Wang Lin declared the 2ndUniversity Students’“Micro-space”Construction Festival open.
