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Guizhou Minzu Academy of Sciences
2014-12-29 15:11  


Guizhou Minzu Academy of Sciences is one of the research institutes which were founded during the period when Guizhou Minzu College was under reconstruction in September 2004. Current leaders of the academy are: Yang Changru, the dean of the academy, who is also the vice president of GZMU; professor Xie Dingguo, the executive vice dean (division level), and associate professor Pan Shanbin, the vice dean. Currently there are 13 full time researchers, 4 of whom are awarded with professor titles, 4 with associate professor titles, eight with either doctor’s or master’s degree, and 1 full-time librarian.

The Academy of Sciences was the Minority Research Center and Minority Research Institute.

The research workshop was founded in 1954, and was then expanded to a division level management unit in 1956, subordinate by Cultural Relics and Information Department in 1956. The first director was Zhao Zian, who was also the teaching leader of the university, the second Tian Shulan, a renowned scholar in the area of history in Guizhou. When the Guizhui Minzu college was closed in 1959, the whole stuff members were arranged and all documents were allocated to Guizhou Minority Research Institute.

In September 1984, the university established the Minority Research Institute again, with Bai Guo as the dean, Shi Jizhong and Tuo Xiuming, the vice deans.

In 1989, the Minority Research Institute was renamed as the Institute of Minority Culture Research, integrated with the Department of the Minority Language. Pan Dingzhi was the director and Tuo Xiuming ,the vice director.

In 1992 the Minority Research Institute became independent Dept. Tuo Xiuming and Li Jinping was the deans.

In June of 1999, the Research Center of Yi literature was integrated into the Minority Research Institute. There are two departments in the institute: Minority Research Center and Yi Literature Research Center.

In 2001, professor Shi Kaizhong was the dean, and Li Jinping the associate dean.

In 2004, the university, cooperated with the Guizhou provincial minority research institute established the Academy of Minority Sciences based on the research institute. The cooperation agreement was signed on 15thMay in 2006. In Guizhou Minzu college’s 55thanniversary, Wu Jiapu, the vice governor of the Guizhou province, inaugurated the branch of academy of Guizhou Minority Sciences, in companion with Huang ping, the vice president of the committee for minority affair in Guizhou and Yang Changru, the vice president of the Guizhou Minzu University. The academy of science is under the leadership of honorary presidents: Wu Dahua, Hao Guihua, Huangping; President: Yang Changru; Vice president: Shi Kaizhong, Li Jinping, Long Yaohong, Li pingfan, Yan Yong; Assistant rector: Li Tianyuan.

Currently, Yang Changru, the vice president of the univeristy is in the charge of the Academy of S ciences, professor Xie Dingguo, and professor Pan Shanbin, the vice presidents with 13 full time research and managerial staff members.

Since 1984, the academy of sciences has focused on minority studies for the purpose of developing culture and economy in Guizhou. Meanwhile, the academy has enhanced its education quality by conducting scientific researches. The academy starts to be engaged in researches on the history, economy, literature, population and languages of minorities. Besides, there are thousands of pictures showing the ethnic customs. The academy of sciences has published books such as“The Research of the Social Patterns of the Minority in South China”, “Yao Nationality in Guizhou”,“Comparison Theorems for the Minority Literature in Guizhou” “Principle of Xiangji Management”,“The Family Planning System and Method in Dong”, “The Language and Culture of Miao”, “History of Ye Lang”. It has also published several collections including the “Compilation of the Research Paper of Yi”, “12 Collections of the Almanac in 1930s”, and completed recording books such as“The Record of the Minority in Guizhou”, “Record of the Puyi”, “Record of Yao”. And the academy participated in the research “Six Mountain and Six River”conducted in joint efforts of the Guizhou provincial minority research association and Guizhou provincial minority research institute, and the research “the Chinese minority village” conducted by Yunnan university. Some of the researchers has also took part in the education of the ethnology, demographic, history, and minority language. From 1992 to 2004, the academy has completed 30 research subjects, three of which are international projects, 2 national research subjects, 17 provincial research subjects, and 8 college level researches. Besides, it has published about 30 books and released 100 academic papers, some of which are published in key journals. In addition, the academy has achieved measurable results in areas of the ethnology, minority economics, minority education, minority language, minority history, to name a few.

Researches on minority education: the academy has finished 6 subjects, including the relation between the minority education and minority economy, bilingual education of minotiries, minority professional education, and other areas. For example, the project“The Interact Relationship between the Minority Education and Minority Economics”by the provincial education committee in 1993 (Du Xiuming was in charge); the project “The Practice of the Bilingual Minority Education” by the provincial philosophy and the social sciences committee. (Li Jingping in charge); the research project “The Strategy to Build the Idealistic Minority Education model” by the provincial education committee. (Li Jingping in charge). The main papers includes “The Strategy to Develop the Education in Miao Area”, “To Speak about the Education in Bilingual”, “The Bilingual Education with Miao’s Understanding Model”, “The Discussion about the Idealistic Education Model of Minority”, “The Essential Factor in the Modern Professional Education”, “The Difficulty in the Minority Education”, to name a few.

Researches on Yi literature: the main subjects includes “The Development and Application of the Technology Books from Yi”by the provincial education committee in 1996 (Wang Ziyao in charge),“The Overall Research about the Yi Literature” by the philosophy and social sciences committee in 1998 (Wang Ziyao in charge), the research subject “The Comments about the Research on the Yi Literature”by the philosophy and social sciences committee in 2001 (Wang Fuhui in charge), “The Ecological of the Yi Residents from the Yi Literature”by the college (Li tianyuan in charge). Main monographies includes 30 translated books about Yi Literature which were hosted by Wang Ziyao, including “The History of Yelang”, “Red and White Azalea”,“Books about the Ancient Yi’s Arts”, which were awarded by the provincial government. In 1999, the book “History of Yelang” was awarded as one of the magnum opus of the minority literature, and was recommended to the Chinese cultural week event in Paris 1999, getting a lot of attention of experts and scholars from around the world. After the exhibition, the book was given to the UNESCO as a gift for collection. It’s the only book which has received honors like this in Guizhou. The main papers include “The Collection of the History of Yi and its Cultural Value”, “The Development and Application of the Technology Books from Yi”, “The Research about the Yelang’s Rules”, “Discussion about the Yelang’s Law” ,“The Historical Value of the Yi Book about the Energy Conservation”, and “The Historical Value of the Yi Literature.”

Researches on the minority languages and words: the main subjects of these researches include “The Research on Language and Culture of Miao People” presided over by professor Lijinping, working with the provincial philosophy and social committee in 1999, “Research on the Synonym and Antonym in Yi” by the Provincial Education Department in 2000. The monographs are “The Miao’s Language and Culture” by Li Jinping, “Folk Dictionary of Miao”, and “the Study of Miao People”. The main paper includes “Analysis on the Folk Adage of Miao People ”, “The Research on Agrarian Cultures of Miao People”, “The Taboos in Miao Language”, “About the Dong’s Language Culture and Translating”, “Analysis of the Miao’s Agrarian Cultures from Their Language”, “The Translation and Research on the Name of Places of Yi People”, “The Strategic Discussion about the Dong Test”, “The Adverbs of Miao Language”, “Discussion about the Relationship between Miao People and Han People”, “The Interinfluence between Miao and Han”,etc.

Researches on the Nuo culture and Nuo opera have enjoyed a good reputation at home and abroad. Du xiuming, the former vice president who is the expert in Nuo culture, and has achieved fruitful results in this field has focused on researches on Nuo culture. Under his leadership, researchers in the academy have completed several programs including “The Research of Chinese Folk Opera and Ceremony”, “The Folk Arts and Etiquette in South West China”, “The Base Culture and Mask Culture in South West China”, cooperating with Taiwan Qinghua University and Waseda University. Among others, main research reports include “Nuo Culture and Arts”, “The Collections of the Nuo Culture and Nuo Opera”, “The Cultural Album of Chinese Nuo Culture”, “The Nuo Culture in China and the Folk Belief”, “Opera Album in Guizhou”, “The Research Report for the Nuo in Wenping Town in Dejiang county Guizhou”. Main articles include “The Mystery and Drama of Nuo Culture”, “ Chong Shou Nuo, a Drama to Show the Desire”, “Dancing in Nuo”, “The Culture in the Classic Literature of Yi People”. Besides, academic papers include “Introduction of the Nuo culture in China” and “Introduction of the Nuo Opera in South West China” awarded a provincial-level prize. For the sake of meeting the demand of researches and development of Nuo People, Research Center of Nuo culture has been established.

Researches on history and culture of minorities: research subjects include “The Temples in Guizhou and the Modern Society” assigned by Guizhou Philosophy and Social Sciences Committee in 1995 (charged by Du xiuming; “The Research on the Development of Tourism Resource of Minority Culture in Guizhou” by Provincial Education Department in 2000 (charged by Shi Kaizhong); “The Research on the Development of Minority Culture” by Provincial Social Science Department, “The Note on the Bai Miao Picture” by the Guizhou philosophy and the social science committee (charged by Yang tingshuo); “The Translation and Examine of Documents about History and Culture of Yelang” which is also the subject of Philosophy and Social Science Committee (charged by Wang zixiao), the college-level project “The Research of the Place from Yi Language”in 1998 charged by Li Tianyuan, “The Comparison of the Miao in or outside China” charged by Tan Houfeng, and other 9 subjects. Main academic papers include “the relationship between minority culture and tourism development in Guizhou”; “studies of the history of Tu Si in Min Dynasty in Guizhou”, “Analysis on the Cultural Resources of Ancient Yelang Kindom”, “Reflection of Mixed Style of Farming and Animal Husbandry from Place Names in Yi Language”, “Human etiquette of Miao Nationality in Leishan”, and “The Change of Marriage Conception of Miao people in America”.

Researches on ethnology and anthropology: main research subjects are among national subject in 2001 “The Development of Minorities through the Fifth Census” by Shi Kaizhong. Main monographs include “Minority, Culture and Environment” by Yang Tingshuo, “The South West and the Central China”, “The Development of the Population Code”, “General Theory about the Minority Research”by Liu feng, and “The Minority and Tourism” written by Pan shengzhi”. Main academic papers include “The Cognition Features of the Investigate Target cannot be Underestimated”, “The Case Study of the Miao Society in Shan pingba Village”, and“ The Application and Explanation of the Field Research of the Anthropology”.

Researches on the economy of minorities: main subjects include “The Analysis of the Non economic Factors which Impact the Social Development in Minority Area in Guizhou”, funded by social science committee in 1992, charged by Yang Tingshuo; college-level subjects “The Research on the Reform of Traditional Forestry and Advanced Technology in Dong”, charged by Tan Houfeng. Main books include “Xiangji Management” by Yang Tingshuo. Main papers include “The Study of Original Agriculture in Modern Society in a new Perspective”, “The Limits in Economic Activities of the Mminority Customs”, “The Glory and Risk of the Liu Ma Tong You in Guizhou”, “Residual of the Minority Economics Complementary”, “The Strategy to Develop the Forestry in Dong”, to name a few.

With the expansion of the University, for the sake of meeting the need for education and researches, integrating resources of all kinds, bettering the researches with more fruitful results, economic development in Guizhou minority area, promoting the reputation of the college, strengthening the academic exchange and cooperation, the college decide to establish the minority research center based on the research institute., to organize and preside over minority researches of the college. The research center was awarded as the 51 labor medal advanced research group, and it’s the only college obtaining this honor at that time in Guizhou.

From the establishment of the acadmey in 2004 to the end of 2013, researchers in the academy of minority sciences have been approved to start 55 research projects in different levels, 6 of which are national projects assigned by the planning department.They are “The Modern Maps BAI HUA TU in Guizhou” by the professor Yang Changru, the director of the academy. (CODE 05BMZ031), “The Culture of the Guzhou in Dong” charged by professor and vice president Shi Kaizhong (CODE 06BMZ020), “The Comparison Research about the Miao Language” charged by professor Li Jingping (CODE 07BMZ012), “Research about the Oral Genealogy in Miao” (CODE 12BMZ033) by professor Li, “Song of Pangong in Miao and its Society Culture Research”(CORE 12BMZ060), and “General Understanding of Miao” by professor Hu Xiaodong. (Nation social science subjects in 2008) The academy has finished “Research about the Ethnicity and Ethnic Relation in the Christian Religion area in West and North Guizhou” charged by Wang Jinfu in 2008, a youth project about humanities and social science assigned by the National Educational Department; “The Research about the Secular Trend of the Religion Consumption in Dai in Xinshuangbanna”(COD 08GZ05) assigned by the national minority affair committee, among other 7 provincial projects, 2 provincial military affairs committee projects, 4 provincial planning department projects, 14 provincial educational projects and 20 school level projects.The academy has published 38 books, among which are the “Introduction of the Minority Theory” by the president and professor Yang changru, published in 2006 Oct by the Guizhou People’s publishing house, “The Analysis of the Place Name in Guizhou” by professor Shi kaizhong, published by the Guizhou People’s publishing house in 2004 May, “The Organization of Dong and its Changing Research”, published by the minority publishing house in 2009 July, and “The Folk Language in Miao’s Middle Area”, published by the TCM Ancient books publishing and written by the vice president and professor Li jingping in September, 2006, “Dictionary of Synonym and Antonym in Miao”, published by Guizhou people’s publishing house in Mar, 2005, “Chinese Minority Adornment Culture” by professor Yang Changguo, published by the centeral literature publishing house, “The Gelao, and the Research of the Hongfeng Village in Guizhou” translated by the assistant rector Li Tianyuan, Xu Guixiang, published by the Yunnan university publish agent; the “Lignan Dresses Culture and Geography” by the vice researcher, published by the minority publishing house in 2010 Aug. And finished the big projects “The Application in Guizhou for the Chinese Communist Party’s Minority Management Theory”, and a collection of ten books by the research center and the provincial minority affair committee in 2011 July, published by the electronic technology university publishing agent.The academy has published about 190 related academic papers,and 17 of which are published in core journals, such as “The Puyi in the Dangyang” by the professor Yang Changru,(“Guangming daily”, 2009/2/27); “The Question about the Core Minority Issue”, (“Chinese peoples university data, 2007/7), “The Analysis to Divide the Dressing Culture by the Region in Lingnan” by researcher Xguixiang, (tropic geographical, 2001/1); “The Contribution from Dong to the Chinese Culture”(Chinese peoples university data, 2008/5) by Tan fenghou; “The Chinese Mask Culture History, Guke wang”(Art Observation, 2010/9) by vice researcher Gu Xuetao. Besides, the academy has been awarded honors of all kinds among which areThe Introduction of the Minority theory” going to the third prize of the seventh social science outstanding research by the Guizhou government in 2007 May, “The Overview of the Chinese Minority Theory” the second prize in the first nation minority theory research; “The Research about the Minority Relation and Issues in the Last 600 years in Guizhou” the specific third price in the research of economic development in Guizhou in the last 600 years. All these researches are leaded by president Yang changru, research “The Place Nname and the Environment in Yi in Guizhou” by the researcher Li tianyuan the third prize in the sixth outstanding philosophy and social science papers by the Guizhou government in 2005 May, “The Reflection of the Crop Cultivation in the Place Name in YI” the third prize in the outstanding research result by the national minority affair committee in September 2006. The Monograph “The Dictionary of the Synonym and Antonym in Miao” by professor Li jingping was awarded the second price in the first outstanding research result by Guizhou Educational Department. The academic paper by vice researcher Tan Houfeng “The Contribution from the Minority to the Chinese Traditional Medicine” was awarded as the second price by the CTM.

The Academy of Minority Science s will be engaged in enhancing its research team and strengthening academic communication and cooperation, bettering its management and organization, and focusing on the minority sciences researches so as to become a prestigious academy with good reputation and influence.
